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A Commentary on the Charter of the United Nations Routledge Revivals Series

Langue : Anglais

Auteurs :

Couverture de l’ouvrage A Commentary on the Charter of the United Nations

First published in 1950, A Commentary on the Charter of the United Nations presents a collection of documentary material detailing various aspects of the UN Charter. It discusses themes like the evolution of the Charter; purposes and principles; Pacific settlements of disputes; the General Assembly; the Security Council; International Economic and Social Co-Operation; the Economic and Social Council; the International Court of Justice; transitional security arrangements etc. to show how, during the first three years of the existence the organs of the United Nations have applied and interpreted the provisions of the Charter. This is an important historical reference work for scholars and researchers of international law, international relations and international politics and diplomacy.

Preface The Evolution of the Charter Commentary on Articles: Preamble 1. Purposes and Principles 2. Membership 3. Organs 4. The General Assembly 5. The Security Council 6. Specific Settlement of Disputes 7. Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Aggression 8. Regional Arrangements 9. International Economic and Social Co-Operation 10. The Economic and Social Council 11. Declaration Regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories 12. International Trusteeship System 13. The Trusteeship Council 14. The International Court of Justice 15. The Secretariat 16. Miscellaneous Provisions 17. Transitional Security Arrangements 18. Amendments 19. Ratification and Signature Appendix I: Covenant of the League of Nations Appendix II: Charter of the United Nations Appendix III: Statute of the International Court of Justice Bibliography Index

Norman Bentwich and Andrew Martin

Date de parution :

15.6x23.4 cm

Disponible chez l'éditeur (délai d'approvisionnement : 14 jours).

114,03 €

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Thème d’A Commentary on the Charter of the United Nations :