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Developing a Plan for the Planet A Business Plan for Sustainable Living Gower Green Economics and Sustainable Growth Series

Langue : Anglais

Auteurs :

Couverture de l’ouvrage Developing a Plan for the Planet
The world struggles with increasing threats to global sustainability, caused by population growth, overuse of fresh water resources, depletion of biodiversity, and reliance on non-renewable energy sources. There is an urgent need for an overall plan to address these challenges in a coordinated and effective manner. Whether in government, business, community or as an individual, we need to begin acting a lot smarter, faster and more collaboratively if we are going to avert the potential devastating impacts on this planet. Plan for the Planet outlines a co-ordinated approach to tackling the global challenges we face which can be implemented at every level. Using proven business management wisdom and principles, this book provides perhaps the most comprehensive and robust framework within which business, government and the community can work together to build a sustainable world. Whether you want to understand how to prepare your organisation and yourself to deal successfully with the global challenges, or seize the opportunities which are fast developing with the emergence of the sustainability revolution, you will benefit from reading this timely book.
Contents: Why we need a plan for the planet; Part I Understanding Our Current Situation. Part II Understanding the Key Global Challenges: Executive Brief No. 1: population growth; Executive Brief No. 2: climate change; Executive Brief No. 3: energy supplies; Executive Brief No. 4: water and food supplies; Executive Brief No. 5: planet sustainability and biodiversity; Executive Brief No. 6: extreme poverty; Executive Brief No. 7: global health; Executive Brief No. 8: universal education; Executive Brief No. 9: conflict and peace; Executive Brief No. 10: financing a sustainable world; Executive Brief No. 11: the challenge of interconnectivity - the perfect storm or the perfect opportunity; Part III Developing a Plan for the Planet: Building a global vision for Planet Earth; Global objectives and strategies: addressing our key global challenges; Taking responsibility: translating understanding into action. Part IV Managing a Plan for the Planet: Ten global management best practices; Global management best practices: Applications to managing a plan for the planet; Global management best practices: a health check. Part V Delivering a Plan for the Planet: Leveraging the triangle of change; Leveraging international organisations and government; Leveraging the business contribution; Leveraging the power of the people; Embracing the new green revolution; Embracing the spiritual imperative; Epilogue; Appendices; Bibliography; Index.
Professional Practice & Development
Ian Chambers conceived, developed and produced A Plan for the Planet based on his work with global corporations, government and the telecommunications industry over the last 20 years, by combining his unique insights into management practice with his parallel work on global sustainability. His business career has spanned a range of executive roles including business development strategy and planning, sales and marketing, as well as global transformational change and program management. He has been an active member of the Green Economics Institute Advisory Board and a member of the Academic Journals Advisory Board where his focus has been on establishing practical approaches to sustainable business development and global sustainability management. John Humble was an international management consultant who pioneered the practice of Management by Objectives, Service Management, the Social Responsibility Audit and the importance of Corporate Values. His six books have been translated into 17 languages. His six film series on Management by Objectives (EMI, London) was internationally acclaimed and produced in 5 languages. His distinctions include The Ford Foundation Businessman Award, the Burnham Medal of the British Institute of Management, the Social Responsibility Award of Management Centre Europe and Fellowship of the International Academy of Management.

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17.4x24.6 cm

Disponible chez l'éditeur (délai d'approvisionnement : 14 jours).

40,18 €

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Ouvrage de 200 p.

17.4x24.6 cm

Disponible chez l'éditeur (délai d'approvisionnement : 14 jours).

186,14 €

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